Are you ready to meet yourself at the edge?
Together with the bowls, Myda facilitates an experience in which you can begin to access higher levels of body-mind awareness; release no longer needed holding patterns of tension and dis-ease; gain greater clarity and vision; and restore your capacity to connect to your own source of healing, growth and transformation.
As we move through life, through our different circumstances and experiences, perhaps even through trauma and upheaval, our essential vibration, that innate frequency of our unique health and vitality, gets pulled out of tune.
We can become depleted, depressed, disconnected and over time, our innate frequency can become alien, even to us, bringing greater states of disharmony or disease into our systems.
Sound literally calls us to listen.
If you’re feeling ‘out of tune’ in any part of yourself and your being, there are many ways sound can help facilitate your way back to the fullest expression of that essential signature of yourself:
You, at your best.
Private Sound Sessions
Work directly with what is currently most challenging or impacting you for greater balance, health and harmony.
75 minute session $175/ Package rates available
In a sound session customized just for you, we will:
Discuss what needs to be released, what needs to be enhanced and how we can begin to sustain the body back to its natural vibration of ease, wellness and harmony.
Choose the singing bowls (based on the energetic properties and harmonic tones of the bowls) that directly correspond with what is desired and needed to resonate with you most strongly at this time. The tones of the bowls bowls will transmit throughout the body causing it to respond and resonate with the frequencies of the associated crystal, bringing the body and mind into a greater state of harmony and ease.
After the session, we will discuss (if you’d like) your experience. Perhaps you feel a greater sense of ease or lightness moving through your body? Or perhaps, it’s the opposite: you feel a greater sense of discomfort as deeply-held blockages begin to release themselves.
All of your experience, however felt, when held and listened to, is necessary for your resonant, natural frequency to emerge.
Group Sound Baths
Group sound baths are an excellent introduction to the power and potency of sound vibration and healing.
All that is required of you is to simply show up with an hour of free, uninterrupted listening, a comfortable spot to nestle into, and, if available, headphones; to allow you to settle into complete relaxation that will leave you feeling quiet, calm and restful.
Bowl Consultations
At some point along your journey back to wholeness you may want to work with the singing bowls directly, purchasing your own set, that will lead you to an even greater, more intimate state of health, clarity and transcendence. I can help you choose which bowls will help guide and align you on your continued trajectory of further growth and transformation. You will learn how to play the bowls and, more importantly, how to truly listen to their guidance. For more information, please contact me at
Blurb about benefits of sound baths
Both private and group sessions are currently held via Zoom.
In session, which may include subtle movement, breathwork, guided meditation or visualization, contemplation, and discussion, Myda works with a variety of crystal singing bowls to create and sustain harmonic vibration throughout the physical and subtle bodies.
The alchemy crystal bowls themselves are infused with energetics depending on their inherent crystal properties and are chosen to enhance or diminish certain qualities within the human body. The vibration of the energetics as well as the tones of the bowls transmit throughout the body causing it to respond and resonate with the frequencies of the associated crystal, bringing the body and mind into a greater state of harmony and ease.
Together with the bowls, Myda facilitates an experience in which one can access higher levels of body-mind awareness; release no longer needed holding patterns of tension and dis-ease; gain greater clarity and vision; and helps restore our capacity to connect to our own source of healing, growth and transformation.
For NYC residents, private and semi-private sessions are held at Soul Being Wellness in Chelsea.
The fee for a 60 minute session is $150. For more in-depth, progressive work, discounted package rates are available.
For those interested in learning how to work with the singing bowls directly, sessions are 90 minutes at $250 with $100 credit applied to any bowl purchase. Please contact for more information.
Imagine the sense of empowerment to be gained from using sound to create a tuning device that enables you to be both the healer and the healed .
- Dr. Mitchell L. Gaynor, author of Sounds of Healing: A Physician Reveals the Therapeutic Power of Sound, Voice & Music