The singing bowls emit tones that resonate with the human voice. The sounds permeate our systems, resonating with our essence, so that inner chaos, conflict and dissonance seem almost immediately transformed into harmony. They serve as a reminder that all we need to learn in order to heal is already within; sound vibrations are tuning forks that synchronize us to our own true nature.
—Dr. Mitchell L. Gaynor, author of Sounds of Healing: A Physician Reveals the Therapeutic Power of Sound, Voice & Music
Between stillness and movement
Oftentimes what prevents the body from truly healing is its entrapment into previous or current states that have conditioned it to stay held in tension or dis-ease. Patterns that had once been necessary for the body to protect itself are no longer needed. The vibration of certain tones and frequencies can encourage the body to let go of certain blockages and restore itself to health, strength and vitality.
Between sound and silence
The mind is well-trained to assert, reassert and amplify its learned thoughts, ideas and beliefs into what can feel like a continuous loop of endless background noise to never be tamed or quieted. To create a moment of pause or silence in the forever chattering mind can seem a near impossible feat, as if yelling into a tornado would quiet its destructive winds. Sound has a way of interrupting the mind’s steady thought stream and re-directing the flow to a quiet reservoir of deeper listening and silence.
Between chaos and peace
Our hearts carry the burden of so much unprocessed feelings, emotions and traumas, born not only of our own past but also that of our parents, ancestors and culture. How do we begin to heal a hurt or wound that is not ours; whose source goes back to before our physical birth? Sound healing has been used for centuries to cure both the personal aches of our human experience and the collective ache of our humanity and our planet.
Between who you are and who you are to become
How do we know who we are meant to be? From what we think we want to be through who we are to where we want to go can feel like jumping hurdles miles apart. Is there a place where all parts of our selves, the real, the imagined, and the potential can meet? Working with singing bowls directly allows for a deeper experience of connecting to your truth…
Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls® by Crystal Tones®
Our entire human body down to our very DNA is crystalline in structure, causing it to respond and resonate with the extraordinary frequencies associated with quartz crystal. The specific harmonic energy that emanates from crystal singing bowls is determined not only by the bowl size and shape, but the combining of pure quartz with other elements including precious gems and minerals.
They only work with you.
We now realize that the universe and everything in it is moving to specific tones and vibrations. Now more than ever, we are all embracing our individual ability to recognize not only the purity and clarity of energy contained in a given frequency, but how it effects us mentally, spiritually and emotionally. Clean, positive vibrations are what we all are striving to connect to, and quartz crystal singing bowls are now recognized as powerful tools to assist in this process.

Current Bowls and Bowl Sets Available
To Land
This set of singing bowls, what I’ve dubbed ‘To Land’, are brought together to help land ourselves deeper into the presence and power of our own truth.
8” C# Pink Himalayan Salt™ (center) to help in grounding and clearing attachments and unresolved emotional experiences on the physical, emotional and etheric levels as well as working with the heart and solar plexus to bolster our potential for love and willpower; 8” F Selenite™ (left) which directs and targets intention towards specific areas to help eliminate disharmony, dis-ease, or blocked energy; and 7” G# Crone Goddess™ (right) which harnesses and transmits the magic and wisdom of the elders, shining light on our path with patience and grace.
If you have a minute, close your eyes and listen to the track below.
To Clear. To Cleanse. To Renew.
This set of bowls is made to help cleanse the mind of negative conditioning and open it to greater states of clarity and creativity.
8” D Tibetan Quartz Copper™ (back left) is said to connect you to the wisdom of the monks of Tibet in its powers of protection and purification; 7” B Tourmaline™ (front left) helps clear unhealthy attachments, negativity, disharmony and toxicity and transmutes anything in life that keeps you from living your purpose; 9” G Selenite™ (back right) to transmit and magnify light and clarity; and 7” G Phi Sage Forest Gold™ (front right) to ground and strengthen the heart’s vitality, vigor and life force.
If you have a minute, close your eyes and listen to the track below.
Awakening the Heart
This set of bowls is built to stimulate the heart chakra- to help ground and guide you along your heart’s journey.
9” F# Classic Sage Forest Gold™ (back left) combines with your heart’s intelligence to bring in all love to your cellular remembering and helps strengthen your resolve to create in the energy and fortitude of your heart’s truth; 7” A Indian Pipestone™ (right), traditionally used as a ceremony stone in Native American ceremonies, holds the energy of grounding and connecting us to our roots and aligns us with the divine flow of the Earth and the Universe; and 6” C# Phenacite™(front left) which acts as a spiritual lightning rod to draw you into greater resonance with the highest, most expansive and most loving aspects of being.
If you have a minute, close your eyes and listen to the track below.
To Connect to Universal Wisdom
This set is brought together to bring the outer realms of universal knowing deep into our hearts.
6” D Laughing Buddha™ (left) radiates the love, compassion and joviality of Eastern teachings, guiding us to love ourselves fully and not take ourselves so seriously; 10” F Emerald™ (center) facilitates alignment with heart wisdom, encouraging higher self purpose, centering and emotional balance; 12” A# Frosted Moldavite™ (right) to help with spiritual transformation and universal connection. It enhances your intuition, telepathy and guidance and opens you to new dreams, ideas and visions.
If you have a minute, close your eyes and listen to the track below.
To Clear and To Open
This set of singing bowls, what I’ve dubbed ‘To Clear and To Open’, is like a breath of fresh mountain air to the heart. It reconnects us to the sweet and gentle feeling of a child’s love, full of innocence and acceptance, reminding us that there is always a source of unconditional love of which we are a deserving and necessary part.
8” F Amethyst™ (left) enhances creativity and passion, strengthens the imagination and intuition and brings a greater clarity to our decision-making and thought processes; 9” C Azeztulite™ (right) brings rich healing and high vibrational energy towards the cellular and the universal in clearing residual emotions and ridding the heart of past pain and trauma; and 6” A Morganite™ (center) nudges the heart to open to its eternal lightness, drawing us into the awareness of the huge ocean of cosmic love within which we all exist. Platinum (within both the Azeztulite and Morganite bowls) is an elegant harmonizer of divine feminine energy, helping to stimulate and enhance our ability to self-heal while allowing us to connect to the awareness that all of our life’s pains serves the higher purpose of our spiritual growth.
If you have a minute, close your eyes and listen to the track below.
The Deep Heal
How do we begin to shed old layers of past traumas and wounds that don’t even belong to us individually? Pain that has been created, stored and transferred from generations past has been carried in our DNA and passed down to us today. This powerfully, potent set of bowls attempts to move down deep into our ancestral maternal lines and clear out what has laid dormant, yet present, in our sub-conscious psyches. Like the light that emits from the dark side of the sun to reach the rich soil of the earth, this set is meant to reveal the deeper quiet below the busy surface.
Sedona Red Rock and Indian Pipestone connects to native land, initiating consciousness that resonates in honor and recognition of the Native American harmonic of prayer, ceremony and sound medicine. Mother of Platinum, a natural fusion of pure quartz and platinum, allows one to nestle in the sonic embrace of the womb of Gaia. Smoky Quartz and Serpentine to keep you grounded in grace during your journey of loving transformation, aligning you with the natural ebb and flow of life. Apophyllite to clear and purify your path for more firm resoluteness and spiritual attainment. And lastly, Ocean Marine Gold and Laughing Buddha to ensure that we stumble on our paths, bravely and whole-heartedly, with a sense of loving joy, playfulness, and unabashed laughter.
If you have a minute, close your eyes and listen to the track below.
7” D# (+15) Shungite Rose Platinum with Androgynous Iridium™
This 7” D# bowl almost feels like 4 bowls in one.
Toned to the sacral chakra, it is composed of Shungite, a powerful facilitator in restoring emotional balance by removing and shielding against negative energies and thoughts; Rose Quartz and Platinum to encourage the divine feminine ability to love, nurture, heal and harmonize; and Androgynous Iridium to spark the ascension process to higher awareness. Together, the crystal energetics of this bowl allow for its human companion to feel held, supported, and loved in the oftentimes scary process of personal evolution.
If you have a moment, close your eyes and listen to the sample below.
8” F (+50) Amethyst™
To sound an F-tuned Amethyst Singing Bowl is to harmonize the mind with the heart and to resonate in the loving, expansive vibration of a deeper knowing and intelligence.
Amethyst is an ancient stone used historically and contemporaneously to guide us to the usage and expansion of our higher mind. It enhances creativity and passion, strengthens the imagination and intuition and brings a greater clarity to our decision-making and thought processes. This singing bowl is tuned to the note of F, the note that is said to most resonate with the heart chakra.
This would be a wonderful bowl to begin your work in sound healing or to add in your continued spiritual development.
If you have a moment, close your eyes and listen to the sample below.
7” E (-50) Celestite Palladium™
It is not easy to trust in life’s processes and our own power within it. This bowl is here to enhance just that.
Made of Celestite to serenely guide you to attuning to your inner knowing and trust in the divine process that everything is unfolding exactly as it should; and Palladium as a most trusted friend to accompany you on your journey, supporting your consistent presence within your heightened consciousness. It is tuned to the note of E to stimulate the Solar Plexus, helping to reignite your connection to your inner will power and self-confidence and spark the fires of transformation.
If you have a moment, close your eyes and listen to the sample below.
There is always a place where the two shall meet.
To meet the bowls meant for you, either virtually or in-person in NYC, to set up a bowl consultation, or to inquire about pricing or purchasing, please contact me at myda@thesharededge.com. Please know that if none of the above bowls call out to you, I am happy to work with you to find the ones that do!